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I Love Spring Book Tag!


Hi all!

Today is the first day of spring here in Australia which makes me so happy. I thought I would celebrate the occasion with a themed book tag. I sourced these questions from A Book Universe so feel free to check out her post by clicking on the highlighted link above. Spring is the perfect time to venture outside and read amongst grass, flowers and trees. Nothing beats lying in the sun and feeling the warm rays on your skin as you dive into a compelling story. I adore this colourful season so without further ado, let’s get into the book tag!

1.) What is spring like where you live?

I live in Melbourne, Australia where we literally experience four seasons in a day. Spring in my area of the world can be extremely unpredictable. September is generally still quite rainy and cold with a few nice days here and there. By October it begins to get quite warm and November is when the weather really starts to pick up. I generally suffer from hayfever so whilst I’m happy that winter has passed, I struggle (mainly in November) with an itchy throat, red eyes and lots and lots of sneezing!

2.) What is your most anticipated book release this spring?

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

The next installment in the Throne of Glass series is set to be released September 5th (next week!) which is super exciting. I have been anticipating this book for months now, especially since finishing Empire of Storms earlier this year. As this is the sixth book, I won’t write any spoilers but I will say it follows a completely different character and his journey to a place called Antica. It all ties in with the original story so the author has advised this book be read prior to the final novel that will be published in 2018. It is currently available for pre-order (click the link above). I will be purchasing it on my Kindle where I keep the rest of my TOG books.

3.) What book cover makes you think of spring?

The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

Do you like the dried flower petals I added to the picture for a floral effect? I have not yet read this book but it is sitting patiently on my shelf waiting for me to devour it. This cover just screams spring to me. The girl is wearing a floral top, surrounded by green and adorable pups. I purchased this novel because of its rave reviews. All I know is it follows Andie who is forced to spend time with her father after her pre-med internship is cancelled. It is filled with romance, friendship, family, dog-walking and a political scandal or two. I’m very intrigued and will hopefully get around to it this season.

4.) Where are you going to read this spring?

I like the look of the park in the picture above so hopefully outside against a tree or on a bench. My favourite place to read is actually in the library on my lunch break. I work at a beautiful university and the library there has several floors of comfortable couches and complete silence for reading. I also love reading in the bath when it’s cold, in bed and whilst I’m eating. In October, I’m flying to Queensland for a few days so I will definitely bring along a book to take to the beach!

5.) Find a cover with the sun on it.

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Okay this is cheating just a tad but this cover actually says the word sun in the title with solar colours exploding everywhere. I also haven’t read this book yet but I absolutely adored Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon so I cannot wait to dive into this one. It follows Natasha, whose family is being deported back to Jamaica and Daniel, who struggles to live up to his parent’s expectations. The pair meet in New York City on a crowded street and so their story begins. This seems like the perfect spring read!

6.) What are your favourite spring reads?

No matter the season, I am addicted to YA. I love both contemporary and fantasy all year long. I do believe however that some books suit different seasons but overall I just read whatever is highest on my TBR!

7.) Find a book with many different colours on it.

Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

I love this book and Rainbow Rowell! She is by far one of my favourite female authors. I own all her books, have read them all and given them all 5/5 stars! As you can see, this cover has a few different colours that compliment one another. I really like the layout of this edition. This book is one of Rainbow’s adult fiction novels. I read it a couple of months ago and it just blew me away. I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did. It follows Lincoln, a shy man hired at a popular newspaper office. He works the night-shift, reading everybody’s emails to ensure nothing unsavoury or questionable is occurring. At first he is extremely bored but after a while, he begins to fall in love with one of the unidentified employees through her sad yet funny emails to another colleague/friend. Before long he is smitten but too frightened to seek her out in case love at first sight does not exist. I literally cried and laughed reading this story. It is heart-warming, sad and so romantic. Highly recommend!

8.) Who do you tag?

I tag anyone who feels like doing this! If you do, please link your tag in the comments below so I can read your responses. I love seeing how everybody answers these questions differently.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know which book you are most anticipating this season (spring or autumn). Thanks for reading!

Peace & Love xoxo

Disclaimer: This post contains links to my Book Depository Affiliate which helps fund my blog, I am not being paid or sponsored for this post/products – all my thoughts/opinions are my own



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