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Be True To Yourself & Quit Comparing!


“This above all: to thine own self be true” – William Shakespeare 

I consider myself lucky to have grown up during a time when Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr didn’t exist. I think if I had, I would’ve been a lot more insecure than I already was during my teenage years. I can’t imagine what it’s like for adolescent girls and boys in this day and age where it is so prevalent to constantly keep up appearances on social media and at school…

Today, I want to discuss how comparing yourself to another can take away from who you really are. I want to highlight just how easy it is to get swept up in a stranger’s life and lose your identity in the process. Let me demonstrate with a hypothetical scenario:

Imagine you meet a girl or find her on social media…let’s call her Penny and she is a glowing, radiant ball of sunlight. Her optimism is infectious, her beauty is effortless and she is an all-round talented individual. You don’t get jealous of her but rather become her biggest fan. You stalk her on social media, you want to please her and you try to be more like her because you are in such awe of the perfect specimen she is. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? You find that as the months go by, you are replicating her behaviour and trying to present yourself in the same way she does; hoping that if you do, you will be validated like she is. What you end up finding however, is that you can never measure up (in your eyes) and become more and more obsessed until you realise you’ve completely forgotten who you are and what makes you special. Do you really like drinking green tea or do you drink it because she does? Do you really love that song or is it because she played it in her last YouTube video? You begin questioning the possessions you bought because you only purchased them to be like her. You begin reevaluating the clothes you wear because she wore them in her recent Instagram photo. You find it harder and harder to separate yourself from her. This may sound like an extreme example but it’s true and it happens every single day to so many influential girls that follow celebrities, models, Instagrammers, YouTubers and even close friends. 

I am guilty of having this obsession in the past. I wanted so badly to be like somebody else that I started to forget the amazing, talented, wonderful, special individual that I already was. I changed my behaviour and started imitating this person until I realised I was becoming so disconnected from who I was, it actually made me anxious. I needed to take a break and find myself again…

As the quote says: ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ Having felt it before, I can honestly say it is a horrible feeling that can drag you down. I will confess however, that I have never been the type to say ‘oh well I’m sure she fights with her boyfriend’ or ‘I am sure she hates something about her body’ just to make myself momentarily feel better. It is not a peaceful way of living to put somebody else’s life down and we should always try to be happy for others and want the best for them. 

There is nothing wrong with admiring somebody else or becoming a better person because of their influence but when it gets to the stage where you are no longer being authentic, it’s time to take a step back and reassess who you are outside of this person. Here are some ways to be true to yourself: 

Shine your light!

I apologise if this post became very deep, I really just wanted to express how important it is to be true to yourself. In a world full of social media, peer pressure and insecurities, it is so easy to convince yourself that somebody else has it all and you don’t but this isn’t true. Their lives are their own and your life is what you make it. You are worthy, you are beautiful, you are special and most of all, you are you! There is no better person to be!

Peace & Love xoxo

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