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April Favourites 2016!


Hi all!

Welcome to my April favourites! This month was especially memorable for me as the beginning of it was spent travelling through Taiwan with my mum and sister. The rest…well it was insanely busy as always. Without further ado, let’s check out what I was loving in April!


1.) Song – Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself by Jess Glynne

I know this song isn’t new but I honestly heard it for the first time in a shop in Taiwan and fell in love. It is unbelievably catchy and one I won’t get sick of for a while. Jess Glynne has a really unique voice and her hair is fantastic!

2.)  Beauty Product – Micellar Cleansing Water by Sukin 

Buy Here!

I am so glad I found this product. For a long time I was using make-up wipes which were really expensive and not very environmentally friendly. I then moved onto coconut oil which didn’t agree with my skin so when I heard a vegan YouTuber raving about this affordable and cruelty-free product, I jumped on it! Made with cucumber & chamomile, you just squirt a couple of drops onto a tissue or cotton bud and remove the excess dirt/grime from your face. It smells divine and works really well. The majority of my beauty products come from Sukin so I highly doubt I will use anything else from here on out!

3.) Beverage – Lemon Water

I know it seems very basic but I honestly drink lemon water everyday now and have noticed such a difference to my digestion and overall well-being. My mason jar, which I bought from Etsy, holds a litre and a half of liquid which is perfect for ensuring I am hydrated all day long. I love infusing it with two slices of lemon and refilling the jar throughout the course of my day. If you drink lemon water, particularly in the morning, it will improve your gut health immensely!

4.) Decorative – Vegan Stickers by ForTheAnimals 

Grab your own here!

I love cute stickers that promote a wonderful lifestyle at the same time! Last month, I bought a bunch of these and decided to decorate my plain, black laptop. I gave Francis two of them but kept the rest. From left to right, top to bottom, they say: a.)Vegan Revolution b.) Trying to Save the Planet c.) Veganism is not a Limitation; it’s an Expansion of your Love, your Commitment to Non-Violence and your Belief in Justice for All d.) Go Vegan e.) Hello I’m Vegan f.) Cruelty Free and Vegan and g.) Carbs.  They are so cheap and such a great way to express something I am so so proud of!

5.) Movie – Daddy’s Home 

Mum and I watched this enjoyable movie on the plane coming home to Melbourne and absolutely loved it! It is about a dedicated step-dad (Will Ferrell) who is close to being accepted by his wife’s children when their actual father (Mark Wahlberg) turns up and tries to move his way back in. The pair begin to compete and the results are hilarious! I really liked how tasteful it was and how consistent the laughs were from start to finish with some real heart-warming moments in between. Definitely check this out if you haven’t already!

6.) Event – Melbourne’s International Comedy Festival 

Every year Melbourne hosts the International Comedy Festival during the months of March/April and every single year, without fail, I see a new comedian with my old friend from University. It is a tradition of ours and I always look forward to this time. On April 14th, we went to see Dave Hughes, an Australian comic who was hilarious live. In the 30 years this event has been running, I’ve seen: Arj Barker, Tim Vine, Stephen K Amos, Sam Simmons, David O’Doherty, Ronnie Cheung, Jeff Green, Jimoein, Peter Helliar, Dave Hughes and more! It’s such a great time of the year and who doesn’t love to laugh? I’m hoping to see Danny Bhoy next year! 

7.) Clothing/Accessory – Sailor Mercury Socks 

Sailor Moon is an anime series I have loved since I was a child. In particular, my favourite Sailor Scout was Sailor Mercury because my favourite colour has been and always will be blue. Mercury is also the planet that governs Gemini and Amy, the character in Sailor Moon, is known for her love of knowledge. They were selling these absolutely adorable Sailor Mercury socks in Taiwan and I just couldn’t resist snapping up a pair. They are comfortable and cute on my feet!

8.) Memory – Best Moment of April 2016

My favourite photo of Mum and I up in the mountains of Taipei

Without a doubt, my best memory of April was travelling to Taiwan with Mum to visit my sister Lauren. We spent 3 days in Taipei and 7 in Taichung. From morning to night we explored mountains, lakes, cities and temples. We played with the most beautiful children and rode through the streets on scooters. It was incredible and one place we won’t forget anytime soon. I would highly recommend visiting Taiwan!

One more highlight to April was finally finding and buying my wedding dress. I was in tears when I tried it on the for the first time. It is everything I could have dreamed of and more so I cannot wait to share the photos when our special day arrives.

So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you thought and what you were loving last month. I’ll see you all in May, my birth month yay!

Peace & Love xoxox

Disclaimer: This post contains links to my Amazon Affiliate which helps fund my blog, I am not being paid or sponsored for this post/products – all my thoughts/opinions are my own

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