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The Disney Read-A-Long Wrap-Up!


Hi all! 

Today I will be sharing with you my wrap-up for The Disney Read-A-Long that ran from May 6th – May 12th, 2018. I had so much fun partaking in this readathon. Thank you to the TinyBookDragon for hosting it! If you wish to learn more about the challenges and my TBR, check out: The Disney Read-A-Long – My TBR!

I am not providing any in-depth book reviews as they will be featured in my May 2018 Reading Wrap-Up. Instead, I decided to document my progress per day. I hope you enjoy! 

SUNDAY MAY 6th 2018

The first day of the readathon was very successful. I completed Cinderella by The Brother’s Grimm (24 pages total) which satisfied Challenge #5. I borrowed the entire bind-up of fairy-tales from Overdrive on my iPhone. As mentioned in my TBR post, I recently watched the animated version so I didn’t feel the need to watch it again. 

I spent most of Sunday celebrating my cousin’s engagement in the country so I was unable to get a whole more reading done. Nevertheless, when I got home, I read 74 pages of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (20th Anniversary Illustrated Edition) by J.K. Rowling. 

MONDAY MAY 7th 2018 

On Monday, I was quite busy with errands which made me incredibly tired. By the time I was done, I napped away the afternoon. I was only able to read 106 pages of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I had been hoping to finish it but at 33 weeks of pregnancy, I’m finding myself very exhausted from the smallest of tasks. 

TUESDAY MAY 8th 2018 

Today I was super busy. Francis and I got our flu-shots, went grocery shopping and attended a funeral. Afterwards, we spent time with our family and ate dinner with them. Still, I’m proud to say when I got home, I completed (66 pages total) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone therefore satisfying Challenge #1


On Wednesday, I ran some more errands and finally got my hair cut. Once again, by the time I was ready to read, I fell asleep from exhaustion. I only managed to read 52 pages of Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde. 

THURSDAY MAY 10th 2018 

On Thursday, I got right down to business. I read 210 pages, finishing Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde which completed Challenge #2At this point, I was pretty happy with my progress considering the circumstances. 

FRIDAY MAY 11th 2018 

Today was perfect reading weather. It was rainy, cold and miserable outside. I started Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi. It is a gigantic book! I read a total of 101 pages. 

SATURDAY MAY 12th 2018 

Saturday was the last day of the readathon. I read as much as I could but I did not finish Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi as it is over 500 pages long. I read a total of another 101 pages. 

Over the span of a week, I read a total of 734 pages and completed 3/5 challenges which in my personal opinion, was a decent effort. I never got to start Undercover Princess by Connie Glynn (Challenge #3) or fully complete Challenge #4 but I still plan on reading both of these books before the month is up. I hope you enjoyed this wrap-up. Thank you so much for reading. As mentioned earlier, please stay tuned for my end-of-month reviews. 

Peace & Love xoxo


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